Saturday, April 17, 2010

Listening Günther Jauch soon?

Hamburg - TV presenter Günther Jauch thinks about the Zeitnach his career on the screen.
If he were to resign today alsShowmaster, he would Jahrenvergessen within little more than two, "said the 53-year-old in an interview with" Time Magazine ".
"Then no one remembers until they are a couple of older ones." And: "There will be less with me on television." Closer he Angabenmachte not.
"My wife always says: Find the right moment to leave to grow," continued Jauch. "But what is the right moment? Mussjemand saying the sender: Walk a few gigs less? Or: Let's not even, or is the right moment to see if left manes and says: As long as you make me want to, wires, But beware that there is no great cry, if it's too Endegeht? "
An RTL spokesman said on Thursday, Jauch's success would show "Who to Be a Millionaire?" (WWM) in the same strokes as bisherweitermachen. In an interview with RTL on the 10th Birthday Showhatte Jauch recently when asked what he was responding to the desires for the future: "That there with 'Who will be a millionaire' still goes on as those images. I do not think I will again get full ten year, which must also not be but I have still a lot of fun at WWM and not drag myself out. "
   On 3 September 1999 was broadcast the first edition. DerSender celebrating the anniversary with double episodes at 11, 18 und25. September. On 4 Jauch september we will open his show through new season, moderated by Oliver Pocher program "Jauch, 5 against, five candidates inder turn the tables and ask the quizmaster dieFragen once.