Monday, April 5, 2010

Münteferings plane made a forced landing in Stuttgart

Stuttgart - The Flight LH 288 of the "Contact Air" from Berlin-Tegel to Stuttgart, began like any other. Everything went smoothly.
Until shortly before landing. From then on, experienced 73 passengers (among them, SPD chief Franz Muentefering) and five crew members, a real nightmare.
A few minutes before the scheduled landing at 9.50 clock in Stuttgart, the pilot starts the engine suddenly through again. He turns to the 73 passengers: "We have a problem."
The next thing that reassured the occupants out, they do not. On the contrary. "The problem is not resolved. We will now fly past the Tower. "
 The main gear is not possible to go out. It stuck. Once an announcement Buckles: "They are good at." He explains that he tries to relax with unusual movements of the chassis. But it does not help.
First, the machine continues circling over the airport in order to consume the kerosene fueled. Again and again the flight attendants to practice with the passengers, the emergency position. Then the announcement of the captain: "safety position." Emergency landing. Passengers must take off high heels, keep sharp objects from your body.
Then the pilot uses to land. He remained calm. The metal body of the machine is set to clock at 10.49 on the runway, sliding across the asphalt. One passenger said: "The landing was really smooth, better than a normal landing."
It almost nothing happens. Thanks to the serenity of the captain, almost all airplane passengers coming off the fright. A passenger and a flight attendant injured slightly.
Also on board: Franz Muentefering. "Our thanks go to the captain, who has penned a masterpiece, and his crew, that was professionally handled the situation."
He confesses that he has had a huge fear. Seconds after the emergency landing forces are on the spot. The fire department shall submit a foam carpet around the machine, so that no fire spread. About an evacuation slide the passengers left the plane.
The SPD leader for EXPRESS: "This once again goes in life. They already looks at the world and it is good. "The airport had been offered psychological assistance to passengers. But Muentefering refused.
He sat directly to the next event (Bieranstich a barrel on the racket, "Feuerbacher Kirb drive"), where he arrived a little late. Around 11.30 clock he had already drank the fair-to visitors, took a calming sip from the mug. Approximately 60 minutes after the dramatic landing.
Later, standing for "Münte" at campaign rallies in yet Uhingen near Göppingen in Augsburg. On the evening Muentefering as planned to fly to northern Germany. For Tuesday afternoon he is to visit the Hansa-Park at the Schleswig-Holstein's Baltic coast expected.
Also of interest
Muentefering emergency landing - here are the pics
Ulla Heinen: "I had panic"