Friday, April 23, 2010

Pirates can starve freighter crew

Berlin - Three months is being held captive the crew of the German cargo ship "Hansa Stavanger" even by Somali pirates. A message from the captain shows how dramatically the situation on board.
The German captain tells of the alarming conditions on board the ship: "We have no water, keinEssen, no medicine." In an e-mail he wrote, "we can not anymore," quoted "The Mirror".
The team was emotionally and physically at the end. The 24 sailors had all been taken, what they had. Many were sick. Once the pirates had them glued my eyes and just hinweggeschossen over their heads.
An opinion by the Foreign Office does not exist to do so. Efforts were being made but to solve the case.
Besides the captain, four other people on board the "Hansa Stavanger. Currently, the sailors in the retreat of pirates, demsomalischen coastal Harardere noted.
Negotiating a ransom for the crew and cargo is slow, because the pirates are always new demands. Recent contact between the shipowner and the hostage-takers for three weeks was completely canceled.
More about the kidnapping of Hansa Stavanger: Federal Government stops GSG-9-liberation> fear of bloody revenge of Pirates> skipper dies in raid on pirates> pirates drama comes to a head> Pirates hijack German freighter Hansa Stavanger>