Thursday, April 29, 2010

Severe earthquake shakes Indonesia

Jakarta - The horror came in the morning. Many people were still asleep when they were seized on Sunday morning by an earthquake in Indonesia from sleep.
At least five people died in the severe earthquake killed. DerErdstoß with a thickness of at least 7.2 struck mainly the province of West Papua on the island of New Guinea in the east of the country. In derProvinzhauptstadt Manokwari oderzerstört several buildings were damaged.
At least two people were increased via a Hotelsvermisst under the rubble. People ran in panic before dawn on dieStraßen. They feared a tsunami, but Überschwemmungenaus remained.
The U.S. Geological Authority estimated the strength of the quake zunächstauf 7.6. A severe aftershock was 7.3 registriert.Durch with the strength of the tremors were torn down power lines - derProvinzhauptstadt went out into the light.
The military and diePolizei have been mobilized for rescue operations. The local hospital treated 26 wounded, said a spokesman. Dreivon them had been rescued from the rubble of a hotel.